We believe that seeds: seed diversity, seed adaptation, cultural knowledge of seeds, seed research, seed sharing, regionally adapted seed varieties. seed communal wisdom is at the HEART of sustainable agriculture.
Our goal is to create a network of seed farmers with a strong focus on growers and seed hubs in the Cumberland River watershed bioregion with a particular outreach to BIPOC farmers.
The development of seed hubs or seed commons at bioregional levels will strengthen the resilience of local communities to provide seeds during times of environmental crises, such as we experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strengthening existing and creating new partnerships with universities and community organizations around seed saving, seed sharing, seed research and seed adaptation will aid communities in developing resilience to climate change and create even greater awareness of sustainable agriculture practices. By focusing on the needs of traditionally underrepresented growers, this type of outreach and education has a direct impact on overcoming years of discriminatory practices, financial disparities, farm loss and moves our communities towards greater equity and justice which is a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture.
You can help support the Cumberland Seed Commons through your generous gifts.